Wednesday, August 8, 2007

30DC: Day 7 - How to interpret results and searches for an "Umbrella Phrase"

Here is a screenshot of my "Umbrella Phrase" research:

After going back and forth between Google and Wordtracker, I have finally filled in the necessary fields for my spreadsheet. This is where the science mixes with the art of market research.

The RS Ratio

If you notice in my spreadsheet I have a column called "Results / Searches Ratio". What this is the "Number of Search Results(Google)" Divided by the "Number of Searches(Wordtracker)".

The reason why I use this number is to determine the possibility of penetrating a niche. The LOWER this number is, the more probable I can market to this niche.

For example, I have a keyword phrase: "play the sims game" which gets 7604 searches per day with 896 sites from, so therefore my R/S ratio = 7604 / 896 = 0.117. Therefore, this may be a good niche to market to. Of course, "play the sims game" may seem a bit broad, but it can be used to generate some sort of traffic from it.

Anyway, based on the numerical results, I highly recommend that you use this ratio to sort out your niches on whether it is a good idea or not.

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